
(home of the Kamala Harris Dossier)

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers

(1) Why does KamalaHarrisIneligible.com say that Kamala Harris is ineligible?


The US Constitution requires that only a “Natural born citizen” can be a US President

(and the Vice President, per the 12th Amendment). The original intention of the

natural-born-citizen language was to prevent foreign influence within the

substantial powers of the Commander-In-Chief responsibility of the US President.


Results of research by KamalaHarrisIneligible.com, shows that Kamala Harris does not have status of a

natural born citizen, despite her occupying the Vice Presidency. (See“dossier” for details)


(2) Online sites say Kamala Harris was born a Natural Born Citizen


A disinformation campaign has attempted to lie to voters by changing

the definition of the term “natural born citizen” and has actively trolled online sites as well.

Here, legal interpretation includes statutory language, determinations of original

legislative intent and reference to precedent court rulings.


The original drafters of the Constitution referenced “The Law of Nations” by

Emerich de Vattel, where the term “natural born citizens” referred to children

born in a country of parents who are also its citizens (unlike Kamala Harris).


(3) Kamala Harris was born in California, so why should status of parents matter?


Not everyone born in the US automatically becomes a US citizen!

One notable example is that US-born children of diplomats are not considered US citizens.

This exception derives from the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” phrase of the

14th amendment, whose original meaning was “political jurisdiction.”*


A similar restriction was enacted in section 101(a)(15)(F) of the 1952 Immigration Act,

as recipients of Student Visas retained “alien” status relative to the US as “non immigrants.”

*Note: This was ruled by courts in Elk v. Wilkins of 1884 to be “complete” (exclusive) jurisdiction,

meaning not shared with other groups or nations. The most comparable contemporary

term is “allegiance,” as used in the “Oath of Allegiance” for US citizenship, to this day.


(4) Kamala Harris’ attorney referenced Wong Kim Ark case, why is that inapplicable?


In addition to “Jurisdiction,” the 14th Amendment also required residence.


The Wong Kim Ark ruling of 1898 approved a citizenship claim of a Chinese immigrant,

but different circumstances applied to the parents of Kamala Harris as they did not have legal residence

in the US at the time of her 1964 birth. US Student Visa recipients, per section 101(a)(15)(F) of the

1952 Immigration Act, were required to retain their foreign residence ("domicile").

The US residence requirement for US citizenship dates back to the 1790 Naturalization Act,

and was restated repeatedly, including in Weedin v. Chin Bow of 1927.



(5) If Kamala Harris was not born a citizen, why was this not disclosed earlier?


A pattern of immigration fraud with multiple cover-ups, was committed by the parents of

Kamala Harris. This was done in part to evade rules in existence on October 20, 1964,

including section 202 (a)/(b) “Asia Pacific Triangle” alien quota registration clauses of the

1952 Immigration Act, which applied to Kamala Harris through her India-born mother.


Although Kamala’s father Donald Harris later naturalized as a US citizen on October 26, 1981,

this was past the deadline for Kamala Harris to acquire “derivative” citizenship,

which is likely why these dates do not appear on biographies (such as Wikipedia). A later re-entry

of her mother to the US in 1986 led to a commission of perjury on a sworn statement made by

Kamala Harris herself.


(6) Weren’t these questions asked about Obama, but never enforced, so, why now?


A mistaken comparison is of Kamala Harris’ status to prior “birther” efforts.

Eligibility questions about Barack Obama went unanswered by a lack of available documents in 2008.

Obama’s “birth certificate” was not supplied until 2011, as well as his “draft card” from 1980,

and these were only later exposed as a forgeries in 2015 by Mike Zullo (under Arizona Sheriff Arpaio)


To contrast, in 2024, documents related to the birth status of Kamala Harris have been

acquired. A handful of cases were filed in 2020, but the actual facts were not heard,

as most case filings were rejected on grounds of procedure.


(7) Why does this matter?


As Vice President, Kamala Harris is poised to assume the Presidency at any time, meaning the chief

enforcer of US laws would be a woman who has a documented history of commission of fraud.


This includes immoral acts, such as her affair with the married California politician

Willie Brown, from which she received over $400,000 from positions he appointed her to.

Kamala Harris has also promoted herself via false racial claims of being a “black woman,”

as she was born majority Caucasian (per her mother’s self identification on her 1964 birth

certificate #64-295984, and her father’s partial lineage from a Jamaican plantation owner).


KH’s tiebreaker votes in Senate included important legislation and judicial appointments,

and if competently examined by Congress, these would be found to be legally invalid.

Additionally, Kamala Harris’ self-declared statements of eligibility have been accepted by

Secretaries of State for ballot access. This has exposed a “loophole” in US election systems.


(8) What can we do?


While it is not likely that Kamala Harris will do the right thing and resign,

it is possible to contact your Secretary of State to investigate the illegality of

a ballot lising for an ineligible candidate like Kamala Harris.

Another action is that members of Congress can be pressured to investigate and act.




More answers can be obtained,

by viewing the "Kamala Harris Dossier" at http://www.kamalaharrisineligible.com


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